4 Benefits of Water Wells
4 Benefits of Water Wells
If you recently purchased a home or property, you may be asking yourself that burning question: where do I get my water from? Do I want to use a water well or pay for what the city/town has to offer? We know this decision can be a challenging one, however, we are here to help guide you in your decision making process, as water wells offer benefits that municipal water CANNOT.
Water Well > Municipal Water
Reason #1- Control Over Taste & Chemicals: Municipal water treatment centers will often use chlorine dioxide, ozone, or chlorine to treat their water. Often times, governments might also add physical disinfectants, like heat or ultraviolet radiation. This is to kill off bacteria, however, it can cause the flavor of the water to change.
Private wells use point-of-use systems that treat water at the tap, like faucet filters. Private wells also use point-of-entry disinfection systems to kill off microorganisms that can cause intestinal problems. Water softeners can be used in homes to reduce calcium and magnesium ions, which can make your water taste metallic and smell sulfuric. For this, you can decide whether you want to use chemicals or other treatment options to control the flavor and smell of you water.
Reason #2- Better Pipes: Municipal water systems can often times go decades without being updated. Due to this, the pipes can become corroded and clogged. This can lower your water pressure and potentially contaminate your drinking water.
When you install a water well, the pipes will have new materials that won't leach chemicals or corroded metal into your taps. If you ever have issues with a pipe, you are able to immediately address the problem yourself, without waiting for a city water crew.
Reason #3- Fewer Bills: Well water requires a ONE-TIME installation fee and occasional maintenance. This can include things like water quality testing and treatments. PLUS!! You'll never have to pay a monthly water bill to the city or town you live in after installing a well on your property.
Reason #4- Increased Nutrient Content: Well water and municipal sources are filtered and treated to ensure the water drinker's safety, however, well water has more beneficial nutrients. These include nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, and copper. All of these minerals can improve bone density, lower anemia rates, and improve electrolyte balance in people of all different ages.
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