
3 Benefits of Geothermal Wells

Geothermal energy harnesses subterranean temperatures through a well for heating and cooling purposes.  Here's Why You Should Consider a Geothermal Well 1. Clean Energy The Earth naturally generates the energy your geothermal system needs, so this means no fossil fuels are burned during the process. Also, these systems aren’t dependent on the electrical grid, so they won't create carbon monoxide or toxic byproducts that contribute to climate change. Instead, well drilling professionals will install underground pipes that circulate water between your home and the soil. Depending on the season, the water will collect heat from your home or the soil, which helps regulate indoor temperatures. Best part of all this, is you will never run out energy, as the Earth is always producing it. 2. Increased Savings These eco-friendly systems have low operating costs, meaning they'll eventually pay for themselves with all the money you will be saving. You won't have to pay any munici...

3 Common Misconceptions About Water Wells

A private water well is ideally the best solution for homeowners who do not have access to municipal water systems. Modern wells are constructed to provide the most cost-effective and safe supply of water to your home for drinking, cooking, bathing, etc. However, many people are hesitant to install water wells because of common misconceptions about wells these days. Below are these common misconceptions debunked:  1. Municipal Water Is Higher Quality Since well water comes from the ground, many people fear possible contamination of their water source. However, as long as proper testing and filtration are provided, private wells can offer a safer alternative to municipal water. City water often contains chemicals that disinfect and purify the water, which is why well water tastes fresher and cleaner.  2. Private Wells Frequently Dry Up Well contractors drill deep down until they reach the aquifer beneath a property. This in turn supplies homeowners with a steady stream of groun...

Three Signs It's Time for Water Well Repairs

If your home relies on a well to give you clean water year-round, occasional problems might affect its efficiency. Well repairs are often necessary to resolve any unwanted issues. Below are some signs to look for when it's time to contact a well service technician:  1. Weak Pressure  If you have low water pressure in just one faucet, chances are it is usually the plumbing system that needs to be fixed. However, if this problem persists throughout your whole house, it could be due to a water well issue. For example, you could have a leak in your pressure tank, or mechanical seal in your submersible pump has detached itself. A technician might also check your pressure switch, which regulates your pressure and prevents it from going too high or too low.  2. Unusual Noises If your water is making weird noises, it might be time to call a service tech. For example, if an object gets stuck in a well part, it can cause a grinding sound. You might also hear a clicking sound if the...

Current Drought Conditions

With a large portion of our area now under Moderate to Severe Drought conditions, it is important to conserve water. If you are experiencing water interruptions, low flow or unusually dirty or poor water quality, your water supply could be going dry. We're here to help! Call the Amber Water Pros today!

Current Drought Conditions for NYS

Here is a picture of the current drought conditions for NYS (taken from ) As you can see, most of NY is in moderate drought conditions right now. Here's what you should know about the negative effects droughts can have on our every day life and water use: 1. The need for water increases, so hay and grain amounts are lower than normal. 2. The production of honey declines. 3. Wildfires increase. 4. Our trees, landscapes and fish become stressed. 5. Reservoirs and lake water levels are lower than normal. Drought giving you water problems? Call the pros today!

*ALERT* Ithaca, NY limiting water use

Ithaca, NY has recently asked their residents to limit their water use due to the latest Central, NY drought conditions. Click here to learn more.  Also, you can view our blog for earlier posts, on ways to help conserve your water! 

*ALERT* Harmful Algal Blooms in Skaneateles Lake

According to the Skaneateles Lake Association there have been, "Multiple possible "Small Localized" Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) observed around 1 PM at Zones 3525, 3524, and north of Shotwell Point on NE side of Skaneateles Lake (map above) on Monday, September 21, 2020. City of Syracuse collected a sample at Clift Park and confirmed the presence of microcystis colonies. If conditions warrant a public health advisory, one will be issued by the Onondaga County Health Department." Click here to educate yourself and be regularly updated! Be mindful and stay safe everyone!