Three Signs It's Time for Water Well Repairs

If your home relies on a well to give you clean water year-round, occasional problems might affect its efficiency. Well repairs are often necessary to resolve any unwanted issues. Below are some signs to look for when it's time to contact a well service technician: 1. Weak Pressure If you have low water pressure in just one faucet, chances are it is usually the plumbing system that needs to be fixed. However, if this problem persists throughout your whole house, it could be due to a water well issue. For example, you could have a leak in your pressure tank, or mechanical seal in your submersible pump has detached itself. A technician might also check your pressure switch, which regulates your pressure and prevents it from going too high or too low. 2. Unusual Noises If your water is making weird noises, it might be time to call a service tech. For example, if an object gets stuck in a well part, it can cause a grinding sound. You might also hear a clicking sound if the...